To discover the best learning methods for Spanish for your family, first you need to know what puts your student (and you) at ease?
My blog on Rosetta Stone Spanish has more details about the top Homeschool Spanish products out there, but here are some details about the TYPES of learning products to help you get direction.
TRADITIONAL: This method is traditional because it works. Make a list, review it, study it, apply it. One grammar lesson at a time, one vocabulary list (about 30-40 words per week) is the method. Tradition sends a message of peace to those who use it. It's been used for this long, why change?
Traditional textbook methods work very well for traditional people. These families enjoy knowing the expected outcome and having few changes. Do the lesson, answer the questions. If you have at least an hour per day to devote to the Spanish lessons, and then a bit extra for more vocab practice, this is a good choice for you! Here are some typical "Traditional methods" that I have found to be mostly free of errors and good solid teaching either through text, DVD, or CD's.
Abeka Spanish
BJU Spanish
Alpha Omega LifePac Spanish
Any textbook or software program that makes you grit your teeth or take a big breath is not going to be a good fit for you and your family.
SOFTWARE PROGRAMS: This is the big push, the "norm" now. Click a word, tap a picture, hear it and repeat. I think this is a GREAT way to supplement learning. For those who are very "tech-y" or just have a very limited amount of time... or maybe aren't actually interested in learning to speak, just truly need the credit, this is a great method. If you sit down in front of the computer, you can click, listen, and repeat, get the information and move forward. True absorption may or may not happen, but getting the informational facts to you works this way. I know I sound a bit cynical, but sometimes people have to push through, and if they're not motivated to absorb, this is the method I recommend for just moving forward. Just do it.
It's like when a future artist is required to take math, or a future engineer is required to be in an art class.
Is the class beneficial? YES! Does the course help them, increase their life experience? YES!
Are they going to become MASTERS at art and/or math? Unlikely. So you push through and get it done.
(The title of the piece is Mathematics in art: Albrecht Dürer's copper plate engraving Melencolia I, 1514; which actually works to prove that EVERYthing has math in it, and NO MATTER what your future holds, you should take math seriously. This is also how I feel about language, but I digress.)
Here are some good options to simply fulfill those State Credits for High School Spanish I & II, not necessarily to be able to speak or understand or communicate at a competent level.
Here are some to "say" you did Spanish for a year, but aren't going to fulfill those state credential requirements either.
Rocket Spanish
Duolingo (mostly vocab, doesn't help much with grammar, has an agenda)
HANDS-ON "Non-traditional": For a hands-on method, and to teach multiple ages at once, See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish is the best option. Students of all ages and learning styles thrive with the short, simple Spanish Lessons with all three learning styles of audio, visual, and tactile. After laying out flashcards (following the included instructor manual), the students simply listen, touch those flashcards, and repeat. They're making complete original Spanish sentences within the first ten minutes!
If you (or your student) enjoy straight forward lessons, fun doodling, drawing, and talking activities, then one of the Flip Flop Spanish Workbook and Audio Combos is the best fit. If you have different ages, you can have the older students teach the younger ones, and choose the younger age to follow, or vice a versa - have the older students choose a few words from each week to share with the younger ones.