Señora Gose's Homeschool Spanish Blog (aka "Seriously, Suzanne") — Homeschool Conventions

Homeschool Convention - An insider's look

Good news! Homeschool Conventions

Homeschool Convention - An insider's look

I attended my first homeschool convention in the spring of 2002, when my first born was four months old. I had "retired" from public school teaching in December of 2001, and had a whole four months of experience in motherhood. I was going to do this mothering thing perfectly. I already owned flashcards. Yes. I was that mom.Now, I've been to more conventions than I can count, but mostly as a booth owner. I've been dubbed a "Keynote Speaker," a booth owner, curriculum approval committee head, and given free language learning workshops. I have paid for giving workshops, been on...

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