Summer Spanish Challenge (BINGO with prizes~)

For teens, and littles, keeping the Spanish practice going throughout the summer feels impossible! But here you go - Not only do I have 24 simple ideas for you, but it's BINGO GAME! (You know how much I LOVE BINGO!) 
Print this out, and fill it in as you do the different options, or save the photo on your phone and just mark it up as you go.....  

This game will run from now until July 30, 2024! POST AWAY!

Here's a printer friendly version

~ Mastery Quizzes = FREE on the Flip Flop Spanish Site - and accessible at the end of every lesson for Spanish Geniuses Level 1 subscribers (so far).

~ - I told my newsletter people about this one - it's FREE and has speakers from ALLLL the countries! There are lots and LOTS of ads, though, (sigh) so you may want to watch with your students.

~ Watching a Spanish read aloud - we have FREE options in the Spanish Geniuses Juniors section EVERY week!

~ Movie in Spanish - On the youtube search bar, type in your favorite movie (cartoon.animated/pixar ones are the best), add the words "en español" and watch a few scenes! FREE!

~ Read a story - Spanish Now, your high school text book is FULL of them!

Each box has a spot to fill in the lesson number, person's name, or title of the song, movie, story etc.

When you take a picture of your winning row on the bingo sheet, post on your Facebook, or Instagram, tag @FlipFlopSpanish and I'll message you back a SPECIAL zoom link for our Spanish game day! 

There will be lots of prizes to send out - everything from T-shirts, Calendar, Bilingual Readers, to Stickers! (Some you have to be there to win, others, we'll just pick from a hat.)

Who's coming?

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