Señora Gose's Homeschool Spanish Blog (aka "Seriously, Suzanne")
Turning Frustrations into WINS! 3 mind blowingly easy steps

From learning Spanish, homeschooling, parenting, even to cleaning house there are ALWAYS frustrations in life.... I mean, being young and single even had frustrations. I've noticed a new development in my life - I'm not sure if it's wisdom, experience, middle-age, a personality flaw, or just luck, so listen up! I've developed a REALLY good knack for turning frustration situations into WINS. It's kind of awesome. You can do it, too.Three easy steps: (Let's call it the three step pivot.) STEP ONE) RECOGNIZE that you are legitimately frustrated, and identify the cause. (This is SORT of a two part step.) Maybe...
A moment about (parenting, homeschooling, child-rearing) fears

"What are you scared of?" The number of times my brothers, parents, friends and even my children asked me that question over my lifetime... Often, I didn't have an answer. But truly, there are some legitimate fears we have as mothers, daughters and friends, and yes, some of those fears have been realized. It was not nothing, it came to pass. I was afraid of it, and it HAPPENED. "But did you die?" Ok... no, I didn't die. But the word "gutted" comes to mind. I feared something BIG, it DID happen, and I was gutted. How do YOU deal with...
Charlotte Mason Spanish: Living Resources for your Homeschool Day

Looking for authentic input on your level? Here are some links (Let me know if they aren't active, by commenting below) for your ages and stages in your language learning journey. I've personally vetted each of these, but there are STILL ADS, so be sure to watch WITH your children! Entire Channel with Read Alouds in Spanish: Tiempo de leer Fun Animated Stories, with optional subtitles: La ballena y el pájaro Kitten's First Full Moon Rhymes: Saying Hello in a Rhyme Written Poems with Rhymes Colors Song and Rhyme (bilingual) Hymns: Santo Santo Santo (Holy Holy Holy) Cuan...
Navigating Spanish Language Learning with Dyslexia: Homeschooling Insights from Señora Gose

Hola a todos, hello everyone, and welcome back to my page! Today I wanted to address a very important topic that I find a lot of homeschool moms are struggling with – teaching Spanish to high school students with dyslexia or any sort of visual processing disorder. I recently received a message from a homeschool mom who was feeling overwhelmed and needed some guidance on how to approach this challenge. She had already done a TON of research... for various reasons, she had tried and found that virtual live classes, various software programs, and all sorts of apps did NOT...
Back to School Preparation for ALL THE Grades

As a mother who has been through 5 kindergarten first days ... and five of every other age too, except 11th and 12th... I have some ideas to help your back to school season be simple, effective, memorable, and dare I say FUN? If you're the gift type person, these look SUPER fun for a Homeschool Uniform. Looks like they have Pre-K through 6th grade, and has some fun ones too! (Plus, people will stop asking your kid what GRADE he's in, lol!) Want something more "Homeschool Centric?" Here are our favorite shirts. (I...