La Palabra del Día

La palabra del día… (The word of the day)

las moscas = the flies (lahs-MOH-skahs)

You really already know this word… you know the word MOSQUITO, which is a “small fly.” We add the -ito or -ita to the end of a word to make it mean “small.” I bet you’ve heard “mamacita” before also = little Mama.

Keep up each day and jot this word down on a scrap of paper, and see if you can say it three times. Maybe by your toothbrush, or on the mirror, or if you’re an avid “errand-runner,” like a lot of us moms, on your steering wheel. Draw a cute little mosca on the paper. I bet you’ll see a mosca today! Say it when you see it! By Friday, you’ll know a sentence! Come along for the journey on your way to fluency, one word at a time!

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